If we don't have it, we will get it for you!
While Arizona is not talking about strict water rationing, we should be concerned and aware about potential shortages. It is always important to be prepared and informed to support the conservation effort. So we have compiled 7 keys areas where you can be proactive and or cut back both inside and outside of your home.
7 ways to save water INSIDE your home:
- Check faucets and pipes for leaks. A dripping faucet can drip at 20 gallons per day!
- Don't use the toilet as an ashtray or waster basket. Some toilets use 3 gallons per flush.
- Check your toilet for leaks. Food coloring in the tank will tell the story.
- Read the water meter going into the house. With all faucets, toilets and watering systems turned off, the water meter reading should stay the same. If not, you have a leak.
- Install water saving shower heads or low volume aerators.
- Install low volume toilets or change out the flush valve to a more efficient model.
- Insulate water pipes and/or install a water heater recirculating pump.